Adenoids are derivatives of lymphatic tissue that form the basis of nasopharyngeal tonsils.
In children, adenoids develop in several stages. In the early stages, the child has difficulty breathing during sleep, at this time the blood flow to the tonsils increases, they increase and prevent the passage of air through the nasal cavity. So, the child snores, breathing becomes difficult in his sleep, sleep is disturbed. As the adenoids grow, it is impossible to breathe freely through the nose, so the child breathes through the mouth and sniffs during the day.


If adenoids are not treated in time, many complications may occur along with the flu:

– Sinusitis blockage of the auditory canal by adenoids can cause otitis media and significantly reduce hearing.
– Since the child breathes through his mouth, less oxygen enters the body. As a result, there are delays in mental development, they become inattentive and get tired quickly.
– Due to improper breathing, the shape of the face changes, the teeth do not close properly. Parents turn to orthodontists about crooked teeth. But the main cause of this problem is a problem with breathing. Timely treatment is necessary to prevent these complications.

Surgical intervention is considered more effective in the fight against adenoids. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The duration of the operation is 15-20 minutes. Adenoid tissue in the nasopharynx is removed by cutting through an adenotome under endoscope control. After a few hours of inpatient supervision, the patient is sent home.

Are there any complications of the operation?

Complications occur very rarely. For example, the risk of anesthesia is possible, which is related to the patient’s health. However, before the operation, the patient undergoes several analyzes and examinations (general blood analysis, ECG, etc.), and doctors decide whether there is any risk or not. Bleeding also rarely occurs

Can the child overcome this problem?

Adenoids usually begin to regress, that is, shrink, in the second decade of age.
However, if there are problems such as mouth breathing and snoring during sleep, it is not necessary to wait for the second decade.

Is self-treatment possible?

Self-treatment of large adenoids is not effective. In order to protect children with acute adenoids from repeated sore throats and colds, it is necessary to try not to wash their hands often, to stay away from poorly ventilated rooms and crowded places.

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